When it comes to the intersection of legal ethics and legal advertising, there is no more authoritative source than Will Hornsby, staff counsel to the American Bar Association Commission on Advertising for more than a decade. Given this, I am happy to see that Will has just launched a blog, The Boundaries of Legal Marketing: Information and Insight on Marketing & Legal Ethics. Will says that the blog will be similar in focus to Lawyer Advertising News, the former newsletter of the Commission on Advertising:
“It reported on changes in the state rules governing lawyer advertising, marketing and solicitation, cases that interpreted the lawyer’s First Amendment rights, ethics opinions that interpreted the rules and novelties in client development.”
In his career with the ABA, Will also provided staffing for the Standing Committee on Professionalism, the Committee on Research on the Future of the Law, the ABA Presidential Commission on Access to Justice and the Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services. He is author of a number of books and articles on ethics and advertising.
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