Where might you find romantic attorneys? Well, according to the Romantic Attorneys map, there is only one, and he appears to be in Arlington, Va.
But thanks to Google Maps and APIs such as Frappr! (for “friend mapper), any group can create a map that shows the whereabouts of its members. And some lawyers are beginning to take advantage of this.
For lawyers, the best example so far is the Blawg Review Guest Map, where legal bloggers simply click on their location on the map to add a marker identifying them and linking to their blog. I suggest that before you click, you read this description.
So far, the other lawyer-related maps I’ve found show little sign of activity. In addition to Romantic Attorneys, there are:
- Family Law Reform Advocates and Activists, described as “people working to bring truth, justice and equality to family law.” It has eight members.
- Dykema Gossett, which apparently has some relation to the law firm of the same name. It has three members.
Others? Let me know (ambrogi-at-gmail.com)and I’ll mention them here. Meanwhile, if you’re a blogger, drop your marker on the Blawg Review map.