Attention smaller-firm lawyers: Tomorrow CMP Media officially launches a new Web site for small-business owners, SmallBizResource. Here’s the description:
“The site will offer original content, free information and expert advice from CMP Media editors on a broad spectrum of issues including sales, marketing, finance, legal, HR, technology, growth, and strategy.
“Unlike other sites, specifically focuses on the needs of small office or home office (SOHO) owners. A small business owner with between one and ten employees typically wears many hats and usually can’t afford to pay for outside advice on key business issues, often relying on informal networks for guidance and answers. The goal is to provide owners with information they can act on, networking opportunities, peer-to-peer counsel, case studies, product reviews and lab tests.”
Companion to the site is a new weekly e-newsletter, BizBuzz, which promises to deliver “valuable tips for managing your business, new feature articles from expert columnists, cutting-edge blogs about today’s most critical business topics, free offers and discounts on business products and services from our industry-leading sponsors, plus much more.” Sign up at the site.