A conference this weekend at UCLA School of Law promises to bring together legal experts, political leaders, advocates and the largest-ever gathering of California exonerees to discuss the causes and consequences of wrongful conviction. Speakers at the April 7 to 9 conference, Faces of Wrongful Conviction, will include Barry Scheck, co-director of the Innocence Project; Judge Kenneth Starr, dean of Pepperdine Law School; Ira Reiner, former Los Angeles DA; Larry Marshall, founder of the Center on Wrongful Conviction at Northwestern Law School; Gloria Romero, California Senate majority leader; and members of the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice. Registration is $250 for lawyers wanting CLE credit, $125 for others, and $25 for students, seniors and those with low incomes.
(For those interested in this topic, our Jan. 29 Coast to Coast podcast looked at the role of DNA evidence in proving wrongful convictions.)