I’ve been trying on and off since September to keep a list of lawyer-written blogs in Massachusetts. Here is my list as it stands so far. Please let me know of missing links. Leave me a comment or write me at ambrogi-at-gmail.com.
- Andrew Sinclair.
- Automating Invention.
- bk!, f/k/a a mad tea-party.
- Blue Mass. Group (two of the three bloggers are lawyers).
- Bostonist (contributor Josh Michtom is a lawyer).
- Corporate Collections.
- Eon (Charles Nesson).
- John Palfrey.
- LawLawLaw: Erik J. Heels.
- LawSites.
- LeapLaw.
- Massachusetts Campaign for Open Government.
- Massachusetts DUI Podcast.
- Massachusetts Law Updates.
- MassLawBlog.
- McBloom Law Blogs.
- Media Law.
- Mediation Mensch.
- ODR News Blog.
- Of and Concerning.
- Online Guide to Mediation.
- OpenSourceLegal.org.
- Standards Blog.
- The TTABlog.
- Velvel on National Affairs.