I often hear lawyers say that they would like to learn to code. I also hear lawyers who have learned to code urge others to follow suit. Some say learning to code can make you a better lawyer or even that it is an essential skill for lawyers in the 21st Century. It might even lead you to quit lawyering and code full time.
But once you decide to learn to code, there are any number of coding languages you could learn. Where should you start?
I put that question to the Twitterverse. Here are some of the answers I received. (The first comment is an image rather than an embedded tweet because Sam Harden has a locked Twitter account which prevents embedding of his tweets.)
It sounds silly, but JavaScript. Shares lots features w/ other languages and is easy to see results through a web browser. No installs.
— Joe Kelly (@joekkelly) November 1, 2017
I'd say Python. Use "Python the Hard Way" as teacher.
— Sarah Glassmeyer (@sglassmeyer) November 1, 2017
Bob, you should try to talk to @burritofanatic he left his legal profession to code. Here is his #LegalTechLives https://t.co/7UAgEPyuZi
— ROSS (@ROSSIntel) November 1, 2017
What do your friends and colleagues use? It can be a big help to learn a language others use so you can ask for help.
— Todd Wallack (@TWallack) November 1, 2017
Whatever helps them solving the problem they want to solve.
— Dominik Tobschall (@DominikTo) November 1, 2017
— Jon Tobin (@jontobinesq) November 1, 2017
— Jon Tobin (@jontobinesq) November 1, 2017
html/css/ javascript. These will get you far these days. I started out doing these, then Ruby. But definitely recommend these basics first.
— Pieter Gunst (@DigitalLawyer) November 1, 2017
I did LPTHW and MIT's Intro to CS EdX (which also used Python) — both were great.
— Jameson (@jamesondempsey) November 1, 2017
@bobambrogi I agree with Python as a first language. There are great tools/libraries for natural language processing; Syntax is clear
— Will Ha (@burritofanatic) November 1, 2017
Lawyer @twneale started w/ Python and still uses it. Though, it makes it easy to leave the law — careful what you wish for!
— Rebecca Green Neale (@PFLawyer) November 1, 2017
Javascript is my choice.
— Marzossis (@marzossis) November 1, 2017
Much as I dislike it, JavaScript (bc it doesn’t match my work process), it is ubiquitous, has instant gratification and a visual interface.
— #ogunix (@kennethmayer) November 1, 2017
Don’t let the CS majors confuse language “goodness” with getting shit done.
— #ogunix (@kennethmayer) November 1, 2017
Following this thread as @ac06870 and I were just discussing #coding. Wouldn’t the response also depend on what you wanted to do with it?
— Lisa DiDario (@Lisa_DiDario) November 1, 2017
Depends on the use case, Ruby, Python, Javascript & HTML. That said, it is a profession with experts in it.
— Rakesh Madhava (@rakeshmad) November 1, 2017
I started with Fortran and if it was good enough for me it should be good enough for everyone. JK. Python. Easy syntax and extensible for data analysis and ML techniques.
— Warren E. Agin (@AnalyticLaw) November 1, 2017
Plus, it's much easier to find use cases for learning JS –everything from website design/tweaking to appengine and automation.
— Security Kitten (@securitykitten) November 1, 2017
Agree good call!
— Brandon Robinson (@BrandonCrossP) November 1, 2017
— Eric Sullivan (@EricSully) November 1, 2017
I found python immediately (w/i a week's somewhat intense study) useful for lawyerly applications. Online resources/community is great.
— Lou Pignatelli (@lpignate) November 2, 2017
I'd also go with Python. Easy to pick up, readable & maintainable code, huge support community, & lots of really good libraries for machine learning & other serious applications
— Mark Noel (@markmnoel) November 2, 2017
Start with a good teacher. Language doesn’t matter much, concepts apply across most langs. But prob JavaScript.
/cc @trentcarlyle
— Chad Jolly (@chadjolly) November 2, 2017
Another option, requiring almost zero to set up, is Microsoft Word or Excel macros: VBA. You can write code that helps you and colleagues in a few hours. pic.twitter.com/IkJB13tVii
— Miles Finn (@MilesFinn) November 2, 2017
Aren't lawyers usually too busy to code? Finding a developer and creating something using your combined experience would be better IMO
— Dave (@davebrown1975) November 2, 2017
if they know nothing, start with HTML / CSS and some very basic Javascript; then Python
— Adam Ziegler (@abziegler) November 2, 2017
😸After easy Basic, I hit the wall of Fortran.//Python is logical, easy to pick up.
— Teresa Martin (@FlipCatLLC) November 2, 2017
Of course the punch cards were good for building typing skills.
— Warren E. Agin (@AnalyticLaw) November 2, 2017
I say Node.
— Tom Martin (@lawdroid1) November 2, 2017
Agree on HTML. Suggest that git (e.g. github) maps closest to what lawyers do. Is the paradigm of collaboration. Has most overlapping ideas.
— CommonAccord (@CommonAccord) November 2, 2017
— SilverFox (@woody2237) November 2, 2017