Articles Posted in March, 2019

Another Side to the #gagtheswag Campaign


You may have heard about #gagtheswag, the campaign to limit or prohibit all that cheap swag given away at legal conferences.

The idea is to encourage vendors and conference organizers to either ban conference swag or provide only swag that is 100 percent recyclable.

Frank Ready reported on the campaign Friday at Legaltech News and Richard…

As Neota Logic Rolls Out Platform Upgrade, New CEO Targets Growth


Artificial intelligence company Neota Logic today rolled out version 9.2 of its AI automation platform, introducing Dashboards, a data-management and visualization tool that customers can configure to create custom views and charts of data collections and usage, and Open Negotiation, an authoring tool for building contract negotiation into document automation workflows within Neota.


Fastcase Partners With TransUnion To Offer Public Records Search And Analytics


Legal research service Fastcase is announcing today a partnership with TransUnion that will give its subscribers access to public records information and analytics for individuals and businesses via TransUnion’s TLOxp platform.

The partnership will provide Fastcase subscribers with single sign-on access to information such as addresses, phones, places of employment, professional licenses, criminal…