eDiscovery Assistant, a platform for e-discovery case law and resources, today announced its rebranding as Minerva26. The company describes the rebrand as reflecting its evolution into a “strategic command center for discovery” designed to help litigation teams proactively manage the growing challenges of electronic evidence.

The platform, which provides a curated database of case law, rules, checklists, and training resources for e-discovery, will maintain its core functionality while introducing a new visual identity. According to CEO Kelly Twigger, the rebrand represents a strategic shift in how the company positions its services in an increasingly complex digital evidence landscape.

“In this world of increasing pressure to reduce costs and stop reinventing the wheel, our platform offers a strategic advantage to our users to leverage ESI as an opportunity,” Twigger said. “Moving forward, the advantage will rest with counsel who know how to effectively use the rules and case law on e-discovery for their clients, regardless of matter size.”

The new name combines references to Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and law, with “26” – a reference to Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that governs discovery obligations. This naming choice emphasizes the platform’s focus on legal expertise and strategic discovery management.

The company cites the predominance of electronic evidence in modern litigation as a key driver behind the rebrand, noting that “99% of evidence created today is ESI.” This shift has added complexity to litigators’ responsibilities, requiring them to identify, preserve, and produce electronic evidence while maintaining their traditional roles in litigation strategy and subject matter expertise.

“Our product has evolved into a strategic command center — not just case law and rules, but also the knowledge to leverage those accordingly,” Twigger told me.

Minerva26 will continue to offer tools aimed at mitigating risk through structured discovery frameworks, enhancing strategic oversight with proprietary issue tagging and AI-driven insights, and keeping users updated on evolving legal developments.

The transition to the new brand will occur over the coming weeks, with the new website launching today at www.Minerva26.com. The company’s email addresses will also transition to the new domain.

Photo of Bob Ambrogi Bob Ambrogi

Bob is a lawyer, veteran legal journalist, and award-winning blogger and podcaster. In 2011, he was named to the inaugural Fastcase 50, honoring “the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders.” Earlier in his career, he was editor-in-chief of several legal publications, including The National Law Journal, and editorial director of ALM’s Litigation Services Division.