Robert Ambrogi

Bob Ambrogi

Bob is a lawyer, veteran legal journalist, and award-winning blogger and podcaster. In 2011, he was named to the inaugural Fastcase 50, honoring “the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders.” Earlier in his career, he was editor-in-chief of several legal publications, including The National Law Journal, and editorial director of ALM’s Litigation Services Division.

Exclusive: In A First For E-Discovery, Tech Company Nextpoint Is Launching A ‘Data-Driven’ Law Firm Under Arizona’s Liberalized Ownership Rules


In a first for an e-discovery technology company, Chicago-based Nextpoint is launching an Arizona law firm June 1 under that state’s liberalized law practice rules that allow non-lawyers to own law practices.

The law firm, Nextpoint Law Group (NLG), will provide discovery and litigation legal services to other law firms and to corporate…

First-of-its-Kind App and Companion Website Provide Foster Youth Information on their Legal Rights


A new first-of-its-kind app and companion website, called FosterPower, provide foster youth with comprehensive but easy-to-understand information about their rights to mental health care, education and legal protections.

Developed by Bay Area Legal Services, a nonprofit law firm in Tampa, Fla., with funding from a 2021 Legal Services Corporation Technology Initiative Grant,…

A Guide to Transforming Into A Virtual Law Firm


Transforming your law practice to go fully virtual requires careful planning and the right tools, says Annette Choti, a lawyer for more than two decades who now advises law firms on digital marketing and growth strategies through her company Law Quill.

“In order to create a successful virtual law firm, a lawyer needs to…

Roundup Of Legal Tech News from CLOC Institute: with News From Agiloft, Casepoint, ContractPodAI, Evisort, LinkSquares, LiquidText, Ontra, PERSUIT


The CLOC Global Institute, the conference of legal operations professionals now underway now in Las Vegas, has become a leading venue for legal technology companies to announce product news — particularly when that news relates to products that serve corporate legal departments and legal ops. This year has brought a slew of announcements of…