Robert Ambrogi

Bob Ambrogi

Bob is a lawyer, veteran legal journalist, and award-winning blogger and podcaster. In 2011, he was named to the inaugural Fastcase 50, honoring “the law’s smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries and leaders.” Earlier in his career, he was editor-in-chief of several legal publications, including The National Law Journal, and editorial director of ALM’s Litigation Services Division.

Legalweek News Roundup Part 2: CASEpeer, Evisort, Everlaw, Hanzo, LawPay, LexCheck, LinkSquares, LegalEase, Logikcull, Milestones, MyCase


This week marked the annual Legalweek show in New York, one of the world’s largest and most prominent legal technology conferences. Although COVID kept me from attending, it is not keeping me from covering the news coming out of the show.

Previously, I posted part one of my roundup of Legalweek news, featuring news from…