Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Convert To and From PDF on Your Mobile Device


I received an email yesterday alerting me to a new app for converting Microsoft Office documents to PDF on an Apple or Android mobile device. In researching it, I discovered that the company also has an app for converting PDF to Office. Either of the two apps — both of which are free — make…

Funds Dry Up for Innovative Court Social Media Project


An innovative experiment that turned working Massachusetts courtrooms into test labs for social media in the courts has quietly closed down operations as its operating funds have dried up. Called OpenCourt and operated by WBUR, an NPR news station in Boston, the project used digital technology to make Quincy…

Cadwalader Site Seeks to Help Combat Domestic Human Trafficking


Across the United States, men, women and children — both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals — are subjected to forced labor, debt bondage, involuntary servitude and sex trafficking. “Make no mistake,” Attorney General Eric Holder said last year, “human trafficking is not just a global problem. It is a national crisis.”

In response to this…

Websites 201 for Lawyers


This is a presentation I gave on Oct. 14, 2011, to the American Bar Association Law Practice Management Section fall meeting on Cape Cod. I was reminded of it during a conversation today about SEO and thought it was still timely.