Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Florida Ethics Opinion OKs Cloud Computing


Florida has become the latest state to opine on the legal ethics of cloud computing. The proposed opinion follows other states that have addressed the issue in concluding that lawyers may ethically use cloud computing, provided they exercise due diligence to ensure that the cloud provider maintains adequate safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security…

LegalTech Report: ‘TitanFile’ Secure Cloud Sharing


[Another in a series of mini-reports on what I saw at the annual LegalTech conference in New York this week.]

TitanFile is a SaaS file-sharing service – in the vein of Dropbox or Box – but designed for lawyers and other professionals and offering a couple of creative twists. Unlike other such…

LegalTech Report: Picture It Settled


[Another in a series of mini-reports on what I saw at the annual LegalTech conference in New York this week.]

Predictive analytics are all the rage in e-discovery, but here is a new product that uses artificial intelligence and deep data to predict the course of a negotiation, estimating when the parties are likely to…

LegalTech Report: LexisNexis MedMal Navigator


[First in a series of mini-reports on what I saw at the annual LegalTech conference in New York this week.]

As I’ve noted before, LexisNexis is engaged in an ongoing project to standardize a range of products on the look and feel of Lexis Advance and to better integrate related products and services. Towards…

Thomson Reuters Unveils New Tools for Litigators, Corporate Counsel and Small Firms


Thomson Reuters announced several new products yesterday, targeting different sectors of the legal market – litigators, corporate counsel and small firms – but all designed around a common theme, that of integrating related products and services through the cloud and mobile devices in order to simplify and streamline a lawyer’s day-to-day workflow.

Even bigger news…

West, Lexis Stage Competing Blogger Summits


An interesting coincidence is occurring tomorrow. On the very same day, in very different locations, the nation’s two leading legal publishers are both staging day-long summit meetings, to which they have invited a variety of legal bloggers, journalists, industry analysts and “influencers.”

In New York City, LexisNexis is conducting what it is billing…