Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

California Rules on Ethics of Social Media Postings


Would you consider it ethical for a lawyer to post the following to a social media site such as Facebook:

“Another great victory in court today! My client is delighted. Who wants to be next?”

In California, that post would violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, according to a

Legal Journalist Pens A Gripping True-Crime Story


“Four years after his father died a hero’s death fighting a fire, Tim Ginocchetti was behind bars for killing his mother. How one tragedy led to another is a story that puts a horrifying twist on the familiar one of bullied gay teens. In this case, the bully was the teen’s own mother, and…

Here’s a Way to Test WordPress on Your Computer


WordPress is a fantastic web publishing platform for blogs and even complete websites. However, in order to run, WordPress must be installed on a Web server. This is not a problem for using WordPress, because most web-hosting companies offer free installation of WordPress. However, it can be a problem if you are…

My Most Popular Posts of the Year


I always find it interesting to look back over the year to see which of my posts generated the most traffic. Interestingly, of my top 10 posts for traffic in 2012, six were actually posted in 2011 or 2010. This first list shows the top 10 in traffic for the year, regardless of what year…

Rocket Matter Now Integrates with QuickBooks


When it comes to practice management software, competition is a good thing. With the ever-increasing popularity of cloud-based practice management among lawyers, the various platforms have all been scurrying to add new features and enhancements. A prime example is Rocket Matter, which in recent months has