Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

A New Twist in my Content Theft Saga


[Update: The example links below no longer work because the site removed my content as I requested that they do. ]

I wrote a few days ago about having discovered that a lawyer was grabbing all my blog posts and republishing them wholesale on his website. He was also doing this to several…

Pentagon Website Covers Guantanamo Trials


The Department of Defense has launched a website, Military Commissions, devoted to coverage of trials by the military courts in operation at Guantanamo to try accused terrorists. Notably, the site allows users to view and download documents and court filings from the commission cases against specific individuals and to obtain summaries of the charges…

For Third Birthday, Clio Unveils New Features, Cleaner Design


The Web-based practice-management application Clio marked its third year of business Oct. 1. Today, to mark the occasion, it announced new features and unveiled a cleaner design.

The most significant changes announced today are that Clio users can now integrate their accounts with three of the leading cloud-based document management applications:

Coming Monday, A New Look for SCOTUSblog


Supreme Court watchers usually set their sights on the first Monday in October. This year, however, they might want to pay attention to the last Monday in September. On Monday, the preeminent Supreme Court blog, SCOTUSblog, will unveil a new look and some new features.

Tom Goldstein

SCOTUSblog has long stood…

Widget Lets Clients Schedule and Pay for Meetings With You


A Web-based service called vCita launched yesterday that allows you to easily add a widget to your blog or website through which clients and potential clients can schedule a meeting with you and arrange payment in advance. Once the meeting is set, you can meet with the client in a vCita-hosted video-conference…