Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Our ‘Lawyer2Lawyer’ Podcast Reaches Six Years


Producer Kate Kenney

This week marked the beginning of our seventh year of producing the weekly legal-affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer. With roughly 300 episodes under our belts, we continue to be the longest continually running legal podcast. We now average some 80,000 listeners a month, from all over the world. We’ve also won…

Coming Soon: A Site for Asia Legal Industry News


Scheduled to launch Sept. 15 is Conventus Law, a legal-media site that promises to provide legal professionals and business leaders with a one-stop shop for the latest Asia-Pacific legal business news. Exactly what the site will encompass is still a bit vague, but a recent email from its publisher, Stephen Lai, describes it this…

MyCorporateResource Revamps with Newsier Focus


“Every year, the nation’s largest law firms produce thousands of client alerts, briefing papers and memoranda on a range of corporate, regulatory and industry issues. What if someone pulled together the links to all these materials and organized them in a way to make them more useful and more readily accessible?”

That’s what I…

ABA Journal Seeks ‘Blawg 100’ Nominees


The editors of the ABA Journal are gearing up to select their annual list of the 100 best legal blogs, the Blawg 100. And they are seeking suggestions of blogs they should include. “Tell us about a blawg—not your own—that you read regularly and think other lawyers should know about,” they…