Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Problems with Adobe Acrobat X Pro


Recently, I received an invitation from Adobe to download a review copy of its latest PDF software, Adobe Acrobat X Pro. I downloaded and installed the program and immediately ran into problems.

Every time I tried to start it, it immediately crashed. Sometimes it would stay open for a few moments longer than other…

Free Service Alerts You to Federal Cases of Interest


The major commercial legal research services allow you to create alerts that will notify you by e-mail when a new case matches your search.  Now, a new website, CourtListener, offers a no-cost alternative, providing a free alert tool covering the federal circuit courts and the Supreme Court.

To create an alert, simply enter…

How a Law Firm Website is Like a Cave or a Middle School Dance


Think back to when our ancestors lived in caves and imagine yourself as your clan’s hunter-gatherer. Sit by the cave entrance all day and hope that a wooly mammoth might saunter by, and your clan will soon be clamoring for food. As a hunter-gatherer, you need to do just that – get out of your…

New Site Puts Spotlight on Exemplary Lawyers


A website launched this week, The Xemplar, has the goal of shining a spotlight on “independent attorneys” who serve as examples of the best of the profession. Each month, the site will feature one attorney, generally from a solo or small firm, nominated and selected by a…