Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Law Clerk’s Killer Gets 20-Year Sentence


In a post two years ago at Legal Blog Watch, I reported the murder of Gabriel Lerner, a 27-year-old Georgetown University Law School graduate who worked in the U.S. Virgin Islands as a law clerk to a Superior Court judge. Lerner was murdered on his way to bible study by two hitchhikers he picked…

Judge Creates Web TV Series to Teach Family Law


A family law judge in Ontario has launched an online video talk show to teach the public about family law issues. In the show, Family Matters, Judge Harvey Brownstone acts as host and interviews guests from various sectors of the legal community, including lawyers, mediators and social workers.

“This is a new…

A Smart Resource for Smart Litigators


Legal media company ALM has rather quietly launched a new Web resource for litigators, Smart Litigator. The site is intended for litigators in New York state but will become the template for the eventual roll-out of similar sites in other states where ALM has offices.

ALM will formally unveil Smart Litigator in late…

Governor Names Ireland to Succeed Marshall as SJC Chief


Did not take long after the election for Gov. Patrick to name his nominee to succeed Margaret Marshall as chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. Today he announced that he is nominating Justice Roderick L. Ireland. Ireland is an associate justice of the SJC and a former Appeal Court and Juvenile Court judge.

Ireland…, All Over Again


The legal news and information site got a major facelift this week, and the new look is more than skin deep. In addition to a cleaner and more consistent design throughout, the revamped features a broader array of news and voices, from both within and without the network of ALM,’s parent company.…

FindLaw Gets Stuck in 2008


After reading today that FindLaw had launched a mobile version of its website, I decided to check it out. In the course of doing that, I discovered that FindLaw has no listing for me. I knew it once did, so I followed the link to edit my profile. Sure enough, it had a username…

Lawyer-Rating Site Avvo Adds Doctor Ratings


The lawyer-rating site is taking on a whole new profession with its launch today of doctor ratings. As of today, Avvo is adding an entirely new section of its site that contains profiles and ratings of medical doctors from all 50 states.

(Click image to enlarge)

As it does with lawyers,…