Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

A Legal News Podcast from Thomson Reuters


Legal Current, a blog published by Thomson Reuters, today added a new feature, the Legal Current podcast. The podcast will feature “information and commentary on the global business and practice of law.”

Today’s first episode covers several topics in the news — the Arizona immigration law, the Supreme Court’s animal…

A Legal Magazine Makes Its Digital Debut


A new digital-only legal magazine covering Florida lawyers and courts published its first issue yesterday. The magazine, The Florida Law Journal, says it will cover legal trends, cases and issues for legal professionals in the Sunshine State.

Notably, given the magazine’s locale, is that two of its owners are prominent California personal-injury attorneys,…

Kunstler Documentary is a Must-See DVD

Last November in a post at Legal Blog Watch, I wrote about the theatrical release of the film, William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe. I was not able to see the film then, but I have seen it now, thanks to its recent release on DVD. I'm no film critic, but I highly recommend it, not only for its fascinating portrayal of the man the New York Times once called, "The most hated and most loved lawyer in America," but also for its intimate look of the toll a high-profile legal career can take on a lawyer's family…

White Paper Discusses E-Discovery in FCPA Cases


E-discovery in cases under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act can raise many hurdles. Documents are likely to be in multiple languages. The quantity of data is likely to be huge. And the data is apt to be housed with multiple custodians in any number of global locations and in any variety of formats.

Along with…