Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

BC Law ‘eBrief’ Features my Blogs, Podcasts


(For any confused readers, yes, this is a revised version of my earlier post, which complained that the piece listed the wrong links for my blogs and podcast. The school corrected the links within minutes of being informed of the errors.)

My law school, Boston College, today sent out an eBrief blast with an…

Legal Project Management in the Cloud


Introduced as a beta at LegalTech in February, Onit is a Web-based project management tool described as being for “anyone and everyone who manage projects – big, small, business, legal.” It specifically includes a Legal Edition designed for legal matters and cases. During its beta period, the system is free for anyone to use.…