Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

New Sites of Note, 7.23.09

The Soldier in later Medieval England. This one has only the slightest to do with law but it is immensely cool nonetheless. This new British database provides access to the detailed service records of some 250,000 medieval soldiers who served between 1369 and 1453. As for the law connection, it includes a “protection database”……

Legal Issues in Health Care Reform


As President Obama pushes Congress to reform our nation’s health care system, this week’s edition of the legal-affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer considers the legal issues raised by the reform proposals. Helping us consider these issues are two experts in health law:…

A National Database of Freelance Attorneys


A new Web site, still in beta testing, aims to connect freelance lawyers and other legal professionals with law firms and legal departments needing temporary help. The site,, will allow freelance attorneys, paralegals, court reporters, interpreters and other legal professionals to post their qualifications. Law firms and businesses in need of contract help…

Top Five Expert Rulings (So Far) of 2009


Halfway through, 2009 is already shaping up to be a year of significant appellate rulings involving expert witnesses. An article I wrote for the e-newsletter of IMS ExpertServices looks back over the first six months of 2009 and highlights the five most important expert rulings handed down this year — at least so far:

Site Aggregates Corporate Legal Resources


Every year, the nation’s largest law firms produce thousands of client alerts, briefing papers and memoranda on a range of corporate, regulatory and industry issues. What if someone pulled together the links to all these materials and organized them in a way to make them more useful and more readily accessible?

That, in a nutshell,…