Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Legal Search from Lexis


LexisNexis has launched a beta version of its own Web search tool, called Lexis Web. Unlike general search sites such as Google, Lexis Web searches a more limited sphere of legal-oriented Web sites. The user guide says that the sites it searches have been selected and validated by the LexisNexis editorial staff, so…

FindLaw Adds RSS Feeds for 23 Courts


FindLaw has added RSS feeds for case summaries from the Supreme Court, the federal circuit courts and state appellate courts in California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, New York and Texas. It has also introduced practice-area feeds that provide case summaries for 16 practice areas, from bankruptcy to tax. The feeds provide summaries of the opinions…

Lawyer2Lawyer – The Song!!


Today we recorded the 150th episode of our weekly legal-affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer. The show is not yet ready to post, but as we were recording, our favorite lawyer/recording artist Larry Savell of LawTunes surprised and honored us with our very own Lawyer2Lawyer song that he composed and recorded to mark our third…