Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Boston Program on Social Networking


Goodwin Procter attorney and KM guru Doug Cornelius, Morrison Mahoney IT director Jenn Steele and I will team up Oct. 2 in Boston for a panel on social networking for lawyers and legal IT staff sponsored by the International Legal Technology Association. The lunchtime panel is free to attend and open to ILTA…

Why I Altered a Blog Post


Several times since I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve received requests to delete or amend posts. Until now, I never have. These requests never said my post was inaccurate or even unfair. Rather, the typical request was one in which the circumstances had changed but my post continued to show up in search engines. For…

Rip-Off Blog Update


I’m honored to learn that the folks at Paralegal SLO blog must be regular readers of this blog. Shortly after my post yesterday, Another Rip-Off Blog, they removed the offending item. After several commenters pointed this out to me, I checked Google cache and found it still there, so I grabbed this screen cap.…

Another Rip-Off Blog


I continue to be amazed when I discover blogs purportedly written by legal professionals that have zero concept of copyright law or even common courtesy. Here is the latest. First, read this item that I posted yesterday morning to’s Legal Blog Watch, With the Web, Who Needs Mediation? Now, read this item posted…