Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Boston Blawger Meetup Wednesday


Kevin O’Keefe, president of LexBlog, is coming all the way from Washington state to Boston this week, so the least we can do is get some blawgers and blawgees together to buy him a beer. Our meetup will be this Wednesday, April 16. Tentative time is 6-ish and tentative place is Emmet’s Pub.…

Lawyer2Lawyer: Law Firms Go Green


With global warming and environmental issues plaguing the world, the legal community is doing its part by going green. This week on the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer, we discuss initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility within the legal profession. taking charge and partaking in individual tasks within…

Two New Sites Simplify Life after Death


Savvy estate-planning lawyers help their clients prepare for every contingency that may arise after they leave this life. This week brought announcements of two new Web sites, each aimed at simplifying the process of settling a decedent’s affairs, even when no estate planning was done.

The first, eDivvyup, is an online auction site specifically…

Hillary Would be Happy With These Results


A new search engine, Picollator, purports to search for images on the Web that match images you upload. It uses pattern recognition to look for matching visual objects in other images. In this way, it claims, is helps “find photos of people more easily than any existing text-based search system. You can simply upload…

Perfect for Lawyers: Gmail Custom Time


Ever wish you’d e-mailed that pleading to the court a few minutes or even a few days earlier? Ever regret having missed the deadline for exercising that option? Ever wish you’d e-mailed a birthday wish to your partner on the actual birthday? Never again miss a deadline — or at least never again

Avvo Expands to Mass., Florida


Lawyer-rating site Avvo expands this week to Massachusetts and Florida, bringing its coverage to 60 percent of licensed U.S. attorneys and spanning 11 states and the District of Columbia. Launched in June 2007, Avvo’s goal is to serve as a consumer resource by rating and profiling every U.S. lawyer. Initially, I was somewhat skeptical…

Searchme: Search Goes Visual


I have been testing the beta version of a new search site that delivers results visually, showing pages rather than descriptions of pages. Called Searchme, it is by no means the first search engine to include images of matching Web pages within search results, but I have…