Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

JD Supra Prepares to Launch


Larry Bodine gives the heads up on a new Web site he is helping to launch, JD Supra. The idea, apparently, is to promote yourself and your law practice by contributing content to the site. Bodine writes that he and Aviva Cuyler, a California lawyer, cofounded the site “to give members of the…

Got any LinkedIn Success Stories?


For an article I am writing, I am looking to hear from legal professionals about their experiences with LinkedIn. In particular, I would love to hear from anyone whose participation in LinkedIn brought them new business or opened doors to other beneficial opportunities. I also want to hear from any longtime users of LinkedIn…

Lawyer Marketing Site Hits Brick Wall


Would someone hire a lawyer based on an ad pasted to a wall? What about a digital ad pasted to a virtual wall on the Web? In either case, the answer seems obvious to me. Thus, I do not understand why any lawyer would shell out good money to purchase advertising space on the new…

What Hath Avvo Wrought?


With all the attention paid to last month’s launch of the lawyer-ranking site Avvo, it was only a matter of time before copycat sites began to appear. One such site, About My Lawyer, launched Friday, and it is so amateurishly executed that I cannot tell whether it is legitimate or a joke. The…

ABA Journal overhauls its Web site


A head-to-toe redesign was revealed today for the Web site of the ABA Journal. Because I am on vacation where I am short on time and reliable Internet access, I will quote from the announcement from Molly McDonough, the magazine’s assistant managing editor/online (and former associate of mine at ALM), in which she describes…