Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Bravo for Avvo? Not so Quick


Today’s debut of Avvo may have been the most hyped new-product launch the legal field has seen in years. With $14 million in venture capital, a board of directors that includes former LexisNexis CEO Lou Andreozzi, and an advisory board made up of former ABA president Robert Hirshon and Stanford Law professor Deborah Rhode,…

Google Maps Adds Street Views


One of my favorite features of’s A9 search engine was its ability to display maps with block view images. Unlike the aerial views shown by other mapping sites, it took you to street level, linking map addresses to photographs of the actual streets and buildings in 22…

New Site Calculates Impact of Intestacy


When someone dies without a will, the impact on his or her estate depends on the state in which the decedent resided. A handy new intestacy calculator — the central feature of a Web site called — helps determine the outcome of intestacy on a state-by-state basis.

The calculator is the work…

Lawyer2Lawyer: Defending Celebrities


This week on the legal-affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer, we talk to the lawyers who defend high-profile celebrities in criminal cases. Why is the public so fascinated with stars in legal trouble? What challenges do lawyers face in representing a high-profile client? Can celebrities ever get a fair trial?

Joining cohost J. Craig Williams

Back from Russia


For someone who grew up during an era when our collective image of Russia was based on grainy black-and-white photos of May Day military parades in Moscow’s Red Square, my trip to Russia this week was eye-opening. Our destination was the Siberian city of Tomsk and our focus…