Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Back from a Break


Sorry for no blogging last week — I was away. As proof thereof, I offer the following photo of a distinctly non-East Coast landmark, as seen through the gray from far away.

Lawyer2Lawyer: Imus and the Law


It’s all Imus all the time this week in the media and in the blogosphere. But what does the law have to say about all this? Did Imus commit libel? What about the First Amendment? Where’s the FCC in all this? Did he have an employment contract? We get… Unveils Legal Search Tool

By today launched a new search tool that allows more focused searching of legal sites than would a general search site such as Google, with the goal of delivering more relevant results. Called Quest, it provides the option of searching only the network of sites or a broader collection of…

Search Google – By Phone


Google has for some time allowed you submit searches from your mobile phone via text messages, but now you can search Google Local from any phone via Google Voice Local Search. Just dial 1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411) and a voice takes your query and reports the results. If you are on a mobile phone, you can…

Lawyer2Lawyer: The Internet Bar


The world is shrinking, thanks to the Internet, and that includes the legal world. More and more, the practice of law is global. One legal organization that seeks to harness this global network of lawyers in furtherance of promoting online justice is and its educational arm, the

Lawyer2Lawyer: Misconceptions about E-Discovery


When we spend as much time on a topic as we do these days on e-discovery, we’re bound to start mixing fact and fiction. This week on the legal-affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer, we consider some of the more striking misconceptions lawyers have come to believe about e-discovery. To help us sort fact from fiction are…

New Site Collects Hundreds of Legal Articles


A new free resource for lawyers provides easy access to hundreds of articles written by lawyers for CLE programs or for publication in legal periodicals. Called Litilaw, it claims to be the largest free collection of advanced legal articles available on the Internet. The site focuses on collecting articles of interest to litigators and…

New Blog Tracks Employment Law


Pennsylvania Employment Law Blog is a new blog aimed at human-resources professionals. The authors write:

“We started this blog to provide our perspective for the benefit of our clients who deal with employment, labor and human resource issues. We will provide practical information based on our experiences, albeit from a legal perspective, in dealing