Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Streaming music, made your way


Sitting around my office, I often play streaming music. Sometime last fall, I discovered Pandora, and I’ve been addicted ever since.

Pandora calls itself “a music discovery service designed to help you find and enjoy music that you’ll love,” and that is precisely why it is addictive — it takes information about artists…

New resource for small businesses


Attention smaller-firm lawyers: Tomorrow CMP Media officially launches a new Web site for small-business owners, SmallBizResource. Here’s the description:

“The site will offer original content, free information and expert advice from CMP Media editors on a broad spectrum of issues including sales, marketing, finance, legal, HR, technology, growth, and strategy.

“Unlike other sites,

An entertaining, eclectic law journal


The fun of exploring the Web is that every so often you discover a treasure. Such is The Green Bag, which describes itself as “an entertaining journal of law.” No ordinary law journal this, it is as eclectic as it is entertaining. In fact, it devotes a section to “eclectica,” where you will find…

Boalt misfires admissions e-mail


The director of admissions at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall accidently sent an e-mail to thousands of applicants implying that they had been accepted to the prestigious law school, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

“[T]he mistake happened as he was training a new staff member on the office’s e-mail system. The e-mail was an

From Georgia, a blog and a podcast


Two Georgia criminal defense lawyers, Rob Leonard and John Barrett, recently launched Georgia Criminal Law Blog, described as “Georgia’s premier web log for people accused of crimes and the lawyers defending them.” They are off to a good start, providing substantive discussion of cases and legislation — and a podcast to boot.…