Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

West launches legal podcast


Thomson West today introduced WestCast, a legal podcast available at the Thomson West news page. The inaugural episode features two Thomson West authors, Judge Joe Lee and attorney Hugh Ray, debating the impact of bankruptcy reform. Lee, a bankruptcy judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky, is the author of Bankruptcy: A Practice

Pulitzer winning cartoonist launches blog


In what says may be a first in blog-land, Pultizer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Jim Borgman of the Cincinnati Enquirer is now blogging his drawings and doodles on the newspaper’s Web site through his BorgBlog. The blog offers a fascinating, over-the-shoulder perspective on the process of creating an editorial cartoon.…

Resolve to be a better blogger


I just finished reading Blawg Review #38, in which Evan Schaeffer, having been handed the Blawg Review podium, delivers a studied lecture in how to be a better blogger, in the form of 10 New Year’s resolutions for bloggers. I encourage you to read it.…