Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

LexBlog offers free blogs for firms hit by Katrina


A generous gesture from Kevin O’Keefe and company at LexBlog:

“In response to the natural disaster that has befallen the gulf coast region, LexBlog would like to help by making our services available for free to both those law firms impacted by the hurricane and the various groups and agencies lawyers are supporting through

More on breakdown of civility


In his comment to my earlier post, Ted Frank takes issue with any suggestion that he endorses “unbridled, vigilante street justice.” He writes:

“My argument was simply that the early and judicious use of force by competent law enforcement, including shooting looters, would save lives in the long run, something that has been empirically