To communicate with students, faculty and friends in the wake of Katrina, Tulane Law School has set up this official site. The site includes sign-up for an e-mail notification list.…
Law librarians launch Katrina blog
Received a note today from Kathie Sullivan alerting me to AALL LawLibAssist, a blog set up by members of the American Association of Law Libraries to help their colleagues, the attorneys they serve, and law school students in the affected areas of the Katrina disaster. “We’re hoping that what we do best as…
ABA president pledges support for solo, small-firm lawyers
As I mentioned yesterday, our podcast, Coast to Coast, included an interview with new ABA President Michael S. Greco. Having heard some smaller-firm lawyers question the relevance of the ABA to their practices, I asked Greco about the “ROI” of ABA membership for small-firm lawyers. His answer: “As president of the ABA this year,…
Proud to announce launch of legal news podcast
Today we launched the inaugural program of Coast to Coast, a weekly legal news podcast cohosted by J. Craig Williams and I and produced by the Legal Talk Network. In our debut broadcast, we interview new ABA President Michael S. Greco about the challenges and goals…
New Orleans blawgers report in
I heard this afternoon from New Orleans blogger A.J. Levy, author of Out-of-the-Box Lawyering, who reports that he and his family made it out of the city Saturday and are comfortably ensconsced in a hotel in Arkansas.
Ernie Svenson reported on his blog that he made it out yesterday.
Our thoughts are…
ABA offers help to hurricane victims
The American Bar Association said yesterday it will enlist its Young Lawyers Division and lawyers from several ABA sections to assist hurricane victims in the coming days and weeks. The lawyers will assist with insurance claims, home repair contracts, wills and other documents, and related issues.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is in…
Law firms pick up the pieces after Katrina
From the Fulton County Daily Report:
…“No one at Fisher & Phillips has seen what Hurricane Katrina did to its New Orleans office. But Roger K. Quillen, the managing partner of the Atlanta-based firm, received some indication from photographs of the nearby Hyatt Regency that showed scores of shattered windows with curtains fluttering in
Mass. high court creates archive of oral arguments
I’ve written here and here about the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s launch last spring of live webcasts of its oral arguments. Today the court announced that, in addition to the live webcasts, it will provide permanent archives, posted to the Web within four days of the arguments.
The live…
Texas firm unveils energy-law blog
The Houston-based firm Bracewell & Giuliani yesterday launched Energy Legal Blog, designed to provide updates and analysis on national and regional energy issues.
According to the firm’s announcement, the blog will cover commercial issues confronting the energy business, developments in energy trading, judicial and administrative rulings, and new federal and state laws…
New blog on family law
Family Law Prof Blog is the latest addition to the Law Professor Blogs Network. It is edited by law professors Barbara Glesner Fines of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Robert E. Oliphant of William Mitchell College of Law and Nancy Ver Steegh of William Mitchell.…
Videos from BlogHer
It was on the left coast and I am on the right, so I did not make it to the July 30 BlogHer conference, much as I would have liked to. Fortunately, journalist and blogger J.D. Lasica did attend, and he videotaped interviews with several who were there, including organizer Lisa Stone,…