Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Women lawyers hone rainmaking skills


From the Boston Business Journal:

“Ilene Robinson Sunshine is a top-notch attorney. But she’s the first to admit that for some time, drumming up legal business didn’t come naturally to her. …

“Sunshine, currently the co-chairwoman of Sullivan & Worcester LLP’s labor and employment law group, found selling her services distasteful — that is,

Been fired? Win a Caribbean cruise


Get fired from your job, and your first instinct may be to call a lawyer. But wait, there could be a Caribbean cruise in it for you. Mark Jen, who made headlines earlier this year after Google fired him for blogging, has teamed up with the job site SimplyHired to launch SimplyFired. Visitors…

A virtual museum of early patents


The Scout Report reports on Patent Room:

“Intended as a showplace for interesting examples of industrial design, the site brings together patents from the 1920s to the 1950s. The patents can be browsed by type as well, including architectural renderings, illustrations of proposed cars, toys, and numerous others.”…