Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Survey reveals FindLaw’s aging core – Part 1


FindLaw’s core is showing its age. Started in 1994 as an index of legal resources on the Internet, FindLaw used that index as the foundation on which to build a range of resources for legal professionals, businesses and consumers. But in recent years, FindLaw has let its index go to seed, failing to weed…

The AmLaw 100


Bruce MacEwen has an early look at the complete AmLaw 100 for 2005, the list of last year’s top-grossing firms. Five posted revenue in excess of $1 billion, the largest number ever.

I find it interesting that top-ranked Skadden earned $212 million more than number two Baker & McKenzie even though it has…

Patently odd


Patently Odd is my June Web Watch column for Law Technology News (free registration required). It is a guide to sites that compile offbeat patents. Here is the first graf:

“Necessity, it is said, is the mother of invention. Sometimes, however, invention appears to come first. How else do you explain U.S. patent