Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

The great podcast debate


Be careful what you say about podcasting, if you’re not prepared to defend your position. Several bloggers, myself included, found themselves embroiled in this great debate over the weekend. A recap is provided, courtesy of JurisPundit.…

New site simplifies searching of government Web sites


Elegus Corporation announced yesterday the launch of, a subscription-based tool designed to provide one-stop, simplified searching of virtually any U.S. federal or state government Web site or group of sites.

Users select searches from a list of government sites that includes nearly every domain and sub-domain within the federal system, as well as…

Did juror’s blogging taint trial?


That’s the question, as reported by New Hampshire’s Laconia Citizen, which says that the defense attorney representing a convicted rapist is trying to convince the court that his client’s right to a fair trial was compromised by comments made by a jury member on a personal blog.…