Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Mea culpa: More on doggie damages


Walter Olson at Overlawyered takes issue with my assertion that the family of the electrocuted dog would donate “most of” the money it sought to charity. Olson writes:

“I wonder how you reach the conclusion that the family ‘would donate most of the $750,000’ ($740,000 per the Globe) to animal charities. At the

Site offers guide to LL.M. programs worldwide


If you find yourself beset by the urge to return to law school, here is a site for you. LLM Guide is a database of master of laws programs worldwide. As the site explains:

“For lawyers, in some ways the LL.M. is the equivalent of what an MBA is for business people. Many law

Who does Google think you are?


What does Google “think” of you? Find out via Googlism, a fun tool that searches Google to arrive at a characterization of a person, place or thing.

Take me for instance. Googlism reports: “robert ambrogi is a prolific writer on internet legal issues who works in alternative dispute resolution in massachussetts.” (OK, so…

And now for something completely different


For “live, up-to-the minute coverage of the existential absurdity of human life,” there may be no better source than The Harrison Report. It is not about law, per se, although lawyers and the law seem to find their way in, but it is written by someone familiar to the legal profession, Tom Harrison, the…