Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Judge posts courtroom videos on the Web


In my Media Law blog, I often write about public officials’ attempts to block public access to information. In Ohio, Medina County Common Pleas Judge James L. Kimbler is doing just the opposite. He is using the Internet to enhance public access to his courtroom.

Several months ago, Kimbler began videotaping the sentencing proceedings…

FreeEDGAR is free no more


I notice that EDGAR Online has discontinued its more feature-modest cousin, FreeEDGAR. Here is what a notice on the FreeEDGAR site says:

Since 1995, FreeEDGAR has provided millions of SEC filings to individual investors, professionals, students and journalists. As a service of EDGAR Online, Inc., FreeEDGAR’s basic functionality allowed our visitors to

[Offbeat] Two guys who commute


Speaking of podcasts, the two guys at drive to and from work together. They record their conversations each way, and then podcast them. They call themselves Voice one and Voice two. Voice one explains the concept:

Most days I get a lift to work with Voice two. We talk in a way that

Lawsuit abuse group targets wacky warning labels


A flushable toilet brush that warns users, “Do not use for personal hygiene,” is the nation’s wackiest warning label, according to the annual Wacky Warning Labels contest conducted by Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch. M-LAW created the contest eight years ago to show how concern about lawsuits has created a need for common sense warnings…