Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Today’s five star-site: eDICTA


Launched in 2003, eDICTA is the “mega site” of the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Part e-zine, part portal, it is a comprehensive and broad-ranging guide to resources on the TIPS Web site and elsewhere on the Internet. It features an extensive collection of legal links, direct…

Why Blogads is good for blawgs and for advertisers


Recently I signed up with Blogads, a service that sells advertising space on blogs. Not long afterwards, I received my first ad, as you can see to the right. Call me commercial, but I believe Blogads may be just the ticket to the future of blawging.

The more I see of blogging, the more…

A new patent blog


And no sooner do I publish my column on IP blogs than a new one comes along: Patent Pending. Its author, patent attorney Robert Shaver, says it is more entertainment for inventor and technology fans than it is legal postings. “I post what I am interested in,” he says, “which is old patents,…

Today’s five-star site: DivorceNet


DivorceNet started out in 1995 as a means of showcasing the Newton, Massachusetts, family law practice of Sharyn T. Sooho. It quickly grew into one of the most comprehensive family law sites on the Web and remains so today. Its popularity came in large part from its early incorporation of an “interactive bulletin board,”…

Today’s five-star site:

By, launched in November 2003, is the newest Web home of the Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The center exists to explore the use of technology and the Internet in dispute resolution. Directed by UMass Professors Ethan Katsh and Janet Rifkin, the center has been an…

Ambrogi meet Ambrogi


Until the Internet came along, I sometimes thought mine was the only family in the world with the last name Ambrogi. I now know there are other Ambrogis all over the world, and occasionally I exchange e-mails with some of them. But it was a particular pleasure yesterday to actually meet another Ambrogi — and…