Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

In memoriam: Tim Robinson


I am sad to say that Tim Robinson died at the age of 58 of complications from colon cancer surgery. Tim was a giant both in legal publishing and in online publishing. A former Washington Post reporter who covered legal affairs, he became editor of the National Law Journal in 1980 and then editor…

Put me down as a 10 for blogging


“Are you a 10?” Chris Lydon prodded attendees at BloggerCon, measuring the significance they attach to blogging as a phenomenon. I didn’t have to think hard to know I’m somewhere on the high end of the scale. But I did have to think a bit harder about why. Are blogs as significant as…

Blawgs not on BloggerCon’s agenda


No talk of blawgs at BloggerCon, although several references to the legal issues surrounding blogging. Should shield laws protect bloggers? What is a blogger’s duty to retract a potentially libelous statement? Will efforts be made to regulate blogging? What are an educational institution’s obligations under COPA?

But a handful of lawyer-bloggers in attendance. As…

Blogging’s evangelists in the house of the law


Yesterday’s BloggerCon felt at times like a revival meeting, preaching blogs as the Internet’s second coming, if not humanity’s salvation. Yet I could not escape the irony of the place. Amid fiery talk of blogs cracking the matrix, of blogs as the second superpower, of blogs breaking down social, political and cultural barriers, the…