Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

List of lists links to the hottest, biggest, largest


What are the top 100 law firms? Who represents America’s biggest companies? What are the top 50 litigation firms in the U.S.? The answers to these and similar pressing questions are compiled throughout the year as newspapers and magazines publish all variety of “biggest,” “largest” and “hottest” lists.

The lists and their sources may be…

Poynter’s media map of Iraq


From Poynter Online comes this helpful Media Map of Iraq, providing a bird’s-eye view of where journalists are, both embedded and independent. Click on an icon for a list of journalists at that location. Click on a journalist’s name to run a Google News search. (Thanks to Doc Searls.)…

Web aggregator gives blawgs a whirl


OK, this is kinda cool. The Daily Whirl promises “quick loading headlines from legal news and information sites.” It snags the headlines from a range of legal blogs and news sources and displays them on a single Web page. You get to customize the configuration, meaning that you select the blogs you want displayed…