Robert Ambrogi

Is a Massachusetts lawyer, writer and media consultant. He also writes the blog Media Law and cohosts the legal affairs podcast Lawyer2Lawyer

Two new blogs aimed at solo lawyers


Two Washington, D.C., lawyers have each launched Web logs intended to serve as resources for solo and small-firm lawyers.

Jonathan Bender’s site, SohoAttorney, focuses on attorneys practicing from small offices or home offices. More than just a blog, SohoAttorney allows other lawyers to register and participate in developing the site’s content. For example, Bender…

LLRX suspends operations

By, a consistently outstanding resource for legal professionals who use the Internet ever since its launch in 1996, announced today that it is “going on hiatus.” The site will remain available, but without the twice-monthly webzine or other updates.

Here is the announcement that appeared on the LLRX front page:

Dear LLRX Readers,


Daubert Tool Lets Lawyers Track Expert’s History


I have just finished writing a column about a new Web tool that every trial lawyer who uses expert witnesses should look at. I cannot post the entire column until it appears in print, but I can offer a preview.

As any trial lawyer will tell you, getting expert testimony admitted has been tougher since…

News: Feds shut down suspicious .gov site


Declan McCullagh reports on ZDNet that the Bush administration has pulled the plug on a .gov Web site pending an investigation into the authenticity of the organization that controlled it. The site,, called itself the Access One Network Northwest, and was supposedly a cyberwarfare unit supported by the U.S. Department of Defense. But…

[Offbeat] Who does Google think I am?


Who does Google think I am? Well, according to Googlism, an amusing tool that helps you see what Google “thinks” about a particular topic or person:

ambrogi is an accomplished lawyer

ambrogi is a former catholic priest

ambrogi is the chief prosecutor of suspected criminals