
LawNextlogo169LawNext is a weekly podcast hosted by Bob Ambrogi, publisher of LawSites. Each week, Bob interviews the innovators and entrepreneurs who are driving what’s next in the legal industry. From legal technology startups to new law firm business models to enhancing access to justice, Bob and his guests explore the future of law and legal practice. Subscribe to receive future episodes at iTunes, LibSyn, or using your favorite podcast player.

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How A New Documentary Aims To Raise Public Awareness Of The Access To Justice Crisis (and the Crowdfunding Campaign to Support It)


On this week’s show: LawNext takes you to the movies. Well, to a specific movie, anyway – a documentary being made to raise public awareness and understanding of the access to justice crisis in this country.

Today’s guests are the film’s director, documentary filmmaker Laura Hand, who previously directed The Tent Mender, about…

On LawNext: Upsolve’s Jonathan Petts and Ben Jackson on Building the TurboTax for Bankruptcy and Fighting UPL Restrictions


When former Wall Street lawyer Jonathan Petts joined forces in 2016 with Rohan Pavuluri, then a research assistant in Harvard Law School’s Access to Justice Lab, and Mark Hansen, a software engineer, to create Upsolve, they had a simple but powerful vision: make bankruptcy filing as accessible as online tax preparation for Americans crushed by…

On LawNext: CEO Nikole Nelson Returns with An Update on Frontline Justice’s Mission to Empower Justice Workers and Bridge the Justice Gap


In the United States, we face a staggering crisis in access to justice, with over 90% of low-income Americans’ civil legal needs estimated to be going unmet. But what if there was a way to dramatically expand legal help by empowering a new category of legal helpers?

That’s exactly what today’s guest, Nikole Nelson,…

On LawNext: Reflections On 25 Years Of Innovation In Legal Aid, With The LSC’s Longtime Program Counsel Glenn Rawdon


Earlier this month, the Legal Services Corporation, the largest funder of civil legal aid in the United States, held its annual Innovations in Technology Conference in Phoenix. This year’s conference was particularly special for two reasons. For one, it was the conference’s 25th anniversary, as well as the 25th anniversary of the Technology…