ILTA Names Five ‘Influential Women in Legal Tech’ for 2021


The International Legal Technology Association today named five women, from locations ranging from Canada to Kenya, as its 2021 Influential Women in Legal Tech.

The list of influential women, released annually, recognizes five outstanding women leaders in the legal technology community, based on their mentorship history and overarching level of impact on legal…

20 For 2020: The Legal Tech Trends that Defined the Year

Whoa, what the f*&% just happened? This was a year few of us will ever forget. It brought untold hardships for many and unfamiliar challenges for all of us. To those who suffered losses of loved ones or illness, to those who lost their jobs or their homes, to any and all who suffered scars this year, I offer my heartfelt condolences. But in the world of legal technology and innovation, the phrase I heard often repeated this year was “silver lining.” It was a silver lining in the form of an accelerant. The challenge to modernizing the delivery of…

Tech Companies, ABA, Partner to Launch National Pro Bono Portal Targeting COVID-19 and Disaster Relief


For countless numbers of low-income Americans, the COVID-19 crisis is causing significant and unanticipated legal consequences, including unlawful evictions, lost wages and benefits, and other legal issues. Launching today is a first-of-its-kind, nationwide Disaster Relief Pro Bono Portal to help connect those individuals to pro bono legal assistance. 

The portal was jointly developed…