Elevator Pitch: The perfect solution for collecting ESI from devices exists. Rocket is a cloud-native platform which collects from Windows, Mac devices and iPhone backups via email to the Custodian. The Custodian clicks a link and Rocket automatically takes over the data collection, forensic reporting and evidence transfers. No collection kits, forensic tools, installs or onsite engagements. Rocket can perform full disk & targeted forensic imaging, giving you all the information you at your fingertips.
What makes you unique or innovative? Rocket can: Collect data without requiring blank hard drives or imaging tools; perform full disk, Targeted search and Drop & Send; email discovery requests to a single custodian or from excel list; bi-directionally search data in 28 languages.
What problem do you solve? With regards to the EDRM Model, Identification, Preservation & Collection of ESI via email.
Your competitors? X1 Discovery, Zapproved, Ricoh Remlox
Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R9OSeF8Jg8
Founded: 1/1/2017, New York
Target customer. law firms, e-discovery providers, forensics providers, compliance, archiving.
Price. $99 per collection request
Expected 2022/2023 gross revenue? Less than $1M/Less than $1M
Number of users/paying customers? < 100/< 20
Traction to date. Our 6 customers are digital forensics/e-discovery providers that range in size from 5-280 employees. Each customer brings in anywhere from $1-5K monthly. We are currently in POC with 3 law firms [2 AM Law 50] and a consulting firm with 20 offices worldwide. Direct & Indirect sales channels, Integration with processing, analytics,
Outside funding. No outside funding.
Describe any ways in which your company is diverse or promotes diversity. More than 50% minority employees.