Reporter Michelle Lore writes in Minnesota Lawyer about lawyers who write specialty blogs — blogs devoted to their particular areas of practice. She interviewed me for the piece and mentions my Media Law blog.…
ABA releases annual legal technology survey
The American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Resource Center has released its 2004-2005 Technology Survey on the use of technology within the legal community. The full survey is available only through purchase — the five-volume set is $2,225. You can download the executive summary in PDF format for a mere $150.…
ABA releases results of annual tech survey
The American Bar Association today released the results of its 2002 Legal Technology Survey, finding that U.S. lawyers’ use of technology is now nearly universal, with more than 98 percent of respondents saying that they use a computer for work-related tasks. The annual survey questioned more than 3,000 ABA members in private practice about…